Memorial Day – May 30, 2022 – Remembering the Sacrifice

Last year, Janice Watson gave a beautiful, patriotic testimony regarding her calling to use her nursing skills for Veterans. Here, Janice discusses the importance of MEMORIALIZING those who came before us. This MEMORIAL DAY, who will you honor for his/her sacrifices to our country? GOD BLESS THE USA!! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

How to “Be the Difference,” from the Ellis’

Mark and Courtney Ellis talk about the importance of getting involved in church, as a married couple, as friends, and as parents. Listen for how Mark talks about things coming “full circle.” You can always “Be the Difference” in small ways.
Please join us as Shane continues his Sermon Series on “Be the Difference.” If you missed the 9AM service, you can watch the 11AM service at This week, the sermon is subtitled “Problematic Blessings.”

More about FIRST STEPS each week!

Did you know you can easily READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR?!! If you’d like to follow Shane’s First Steps digital letter, published each Monday, just look for it on social media or call to be added to the list of recipients. You can START TODAY! In a year, you’ll have read the WHOLE BIBLE!! WOW!!