First Steps – June 13, 2022

A few weeks ago, I attended the annual meeting of the conference that I belong to as a Methodist minister.Ā  In four days, our conference conducted business, reviewed ministries, ordained new ministers, celebrated those retiring, and worshipped together.Ā  What made this annual conference special was that this was the first time our conference hadĀ been able to hold all of it in a live format due to Covid.Ā  This year was especially meaningful for me.Ā  Emotionally, it was more than I expected.Ā  Iā€™ve been to countless worship services, business sessions, and gatherings – so many that I donā€™t think I could count them (all); but, after a three-year hiatus, each event has beenĀ simply more meaningful.
The most meaningful event was the memorial service where our conference remembered those who have died from one conference year to the next.Ā Previously, due to my age, I seldom had a connection with those remembered that had gone before us. The ministers being remembered had retired long before I entered the ministry, so I never knew them; however, that is not the case anymore.Ā  As I sat in the pew, I could recall faces, stories, andĀ shared events of friends and colleagues that are now no longer with us.Ā  It was sobering and emotional.
It has been my experience that in times like this, the liturgy of the church can be a foundation.Ā  The written prayers that have sustained the test of time, spoken by the faithful throughout the years, were more than just words we prayed during the service.Ā  They were a connection to those now celebrated.Ā  Though I hope it is years from now, those after me will pray those same prayers when my path is finished.Ā  Iā€™m grateful for the great cloud of witnesses that completed their journeys and now rest from their labors.Ā  Iā€™m grateful that we are still connected in the mystical union that exists for all those who are in Christ.Ā  Iā€™m comforted by this connection.Ā 
I hope you are as well.Ā  You donā€™t have to be in a memorial service to acknowledge this connection.Ā  We are connected through the bonds of Christ.Ā  However, worship does help, as does the liturgy:

Ā  ā€œAs we gather in this holy place, we feel Godā€™s flowing Spirit raising our eyes towards heaven.Ā  We feel the eternal light of the Holy One lifting the shadow of death.Ā  We feel the fellowship of the living echoing the friendship of those gone from this world.Ā  We come to the Author of Life, the lover of our souls, secure in our Lordā€™s great faithfulness and the hope that rings triumphant over the silence of the tomb.Ā 
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

O God of both the living and the dead, we praise your holy name for all your servants who have faithfully lived and died.Ā  We thank you for the sacred ties that bind us to each other and to those who now encompass us in the great cloud of witnesses.Ā  We pray that encouraged by their example, and strengthened by their fellowship, we may be diligent followers sustained in prayer, worship, witness, and service by your great faithfulness. Amen.ā€

This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – Matthew 23
*Tuesday – Matthew 24
*Wednesday- Matthew 25
*Thursday – Matthew 26
*Friday- Matthew 27

Prayer Requests:
*Children’s safety as they participate in summer activities.Ā 
*An immediate end to the crisis in Ukraine.
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

ā€œDonā€™t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.ā€ – Philippians 4:6

Announcements with Mary Lou – Week of June 12, 2022

Small groups for fall of 2022 are forming! If you are interested in more information or to sign up, please fill out one of the forms or send an email to Mary Lou Jarrell. Life is better together!

Father’s Day is next Sunday and you can give the gift of love to Wesley Glen Ministries in honor or memory of your father/grandfather/father of your children/or any of the father figures in your life. There is a blue insert in your bulletin (and found around the church) to get the correct info to the church. Deadline to be included in the recognition list is Tuesday, June 14.

The Youth have a very busy June planned with activities, workouts, fun, VBS and more – see Laura or Logan to make sure you are signed up for the emails and texts with details!

Speaking of VBS – it’s this week! Our church and youth building will be filled with the wonderful sounds of children learning about God (and having tons of fun). Please be in prayer for all of the leaders, volunteers, parents and children. Theme this year is “Food Truck”.

SafeHouse ministries is in need of donations of clothing for both men and women as their closet is bare! So – use this as an excuse to clean out your closets and bring the items to St. Paul. We will get them to SafeHouse. Thank you!

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First Steps – June 6, 2022

When is the last time you had a lesson in patience?  Hopefully, it has been a while because those friction moments are never fun.  However, they can be useful because they test oneā€™s metal resulting in an opportunity to grow on the inside.  This was my experience last week while traveling internationally with my family.
Normally when I travel, I like to be in control.  I realize that is a false sense of security because nothing about traveling lends itself to being in control.  Actually, it is the opposite because when one travels, one is at the mercy of many things beyond their grasp.  Because our initial international flight was delayed by 90 minutes, we missed the connecting flight to our destination.  Navigating a foreign airport where customer service isnā€™t a prized commodity was lesson number one.  I could either get angry and let it set the tone of the trip or realize there are some things beyond my control.  Eventually, we caught a later flight and arrived at our hotel, and it was worth the wait. 
Lesson number two was a few days later when it was time to fly back to the mainland.  I mistakenly assumed that our return trip from our first flight (that we missed because of a late departure from the U.S.) was still valid.  However, because we missed the initial second leg of our arrival flights, we were automatically dropped from the return flight.  Long story short, new tickets had to be purchased for a later flight.  If that wasnā€™t bad enough while sitting on the tarmac, I saw my luggage, which was sitting a few feet from the plane, wasnā€™t loaded.  As the plane taxied away, we enquired with the flight attendant only to be told, ā€œDonā€™t worry, it will be okay.ā€  As one would guess, it didnā€™t make it on the flight.  After two hours of waiting in line to file the report, my family and I made it to our hotel for the last few days of our trip.
The last few days didnā€™t disappoint, although those around me might argue that wearing the same clothes for about 50 hours might have created a different vibe for everyone else.   After the dayā€™s excursion, a quick trip to a local department store remedied the clothing problem.  Eventually, the night before we were to leave, I did receive my luggage.  As I write this and I reflect on the experience and the shared memories with people I love the most, I am grateful.  We had a great time, witnessed some of the most beautiful places on earth, created some lasting memories, and arrived home safe and sound. 
Nothing in this world is a guarantee.  Seldom are we in control of the things around us.  We can only control how we will respond to the events that happen.  Those events can either define a person or the person can rise above them and seize each moment for what it isā€¦an opportunity.  Patience is always a lesson of reaction to things beyond oneā€™s control.  Proverbs 14:17a says, ā€œa person of quick temper acts foolishlyā€¦ā€. Perhaps in those uncontrollable situations, patience is the best guide. 

This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – Matthew 18
*Tuesday – Matthew 19
*Wednesday- Matthew 20
*Thursday – Matthew 21
*Friday- Matthew 22

Prayer Requests:
*Children’s safety as they participate in summer activities away from home. 
*An immediate end to the crisis in Ukraine.
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

ā€œDonā€™t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.ā€ – Philippians 4:6