“First Steps,” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green, November 11, 2024

November 11, 2024

In November, I always set aside time to reflect and take stock of my life.  I want to recall God’s faithfulness over the past year.  The Psalm understood this exercise, for Psalm 100 reminds us that “His love endures forever, and His faithfulness continues through all generations.”  When we take stock of our lives, we acknowledge not only where we are now, but also how far God has brought us.  These are two things I want to remember.  

Take a moment to think back over this past year.  There were challenges faced, difficult seasons, and uncertainties.  Yet, you are still standing.  Can you see God’s hand amid the struggle?  In addition, this past year was also filled with laughter, love, fun, and joy.  Can you see God’s hand within the blessings?

Taking stock is not about perfection, but about the process.  Life is filled with both the highs and the lows, yet God is part of it all.  The key is to see His hand in the journey of things.  Maturity has more to do with gratitude in all things, not just the things we like.  Thanksgiving is meant to be shared.  It is the giving and receiving of blessings that we find contentment in all things.  

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your faithfulness and goodness in our lives.  Help us to cultivate hearts of gratitude, to reflect on your blessings, and to live out that thanksgiving in how we love and serve others.  As we take stock of our lives, guide us by your Spirit, that we may continue to grow closer to you and be a reflection of your life to those around us.  Amen.

Things to Pray About:

  • Pray for our Veteran’s.
  • Pray for spiritual maturity.
  • Our unwillingly absent members and shut-ins.
  • Pray for comfort for those who are grieving.
  • Wisdom for our church leaders, local leaders, and world leaders. 
  • Family restoration through forgiveness.
  • Continued growth of the faith of the people.
  • Pray for understanding.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6

“First Steps”, by Rev. Dr. Shane Green, November 4, 2024

November 4, 2024

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel that small acts of kindness and generosity go unnoticed or seem insignificant.  But in God’s eyes, even the smallest gestures make a difference.  Jesus compared a mark of discipleship to a cup of cold water given to little ones.  Those generous souls will not lose their reward (Matt 10:42).  Furthermore, the Kingdom of God was compared to a small mustard seed that can yield a massive harvest.  A small and insignificant seed becomes something far more, like simple acts of generosity.  

In our church and community, we often witness the beauty of the smallest of deeds.  Perhaps a meal prepared while someone is recovering from an illness, a kind word shared during a difficult time, or a prayer uttered for someone in need are just a few examples.  I’m still energized by the small act of a few people gathered around a table to make a food bag full of ingredients.  One small bag after another until, eventually, 25,052 bags were made in a single morning.  By setting aside three single mornings over three years, 76,200 bags were made, which equates to over 460,000 meals.  On one level, small and insignificant acts became a massive harvest.

Your small acts have a ripple effect that extends far beyond our sight and understanding.  Therefore, look for ways to lend a hand to a neighbor or someone in need.  Seek to make another person’s life better.  Ask yourself, “How can I practice small acts of kindness and generosity today?”   The Hebrew writer reminds us, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased” (Hebrews 13:16).


This Week’s Readings:
Monday – Numbers 9
Tuesday – Numbers 10
Wednesday – Numbers 11
Thursday – Numbers 12
Friday – Numbers 13

We are reading the Bible in just a little over a year!  We are now reading Numbers. You may join anytime.  Just mark your Bible on the chapter you started and keep up with the weekly readings.

Things to Pray About:
Pray for our country and the 2024 Presidential Election
Pray for spiritual maturity.
Our unwillingly absent members and shut-ins.
Pray for comfort for those who are grieving.
Wisdom for our church leaders, local leaders, and world leaders.
Family restoration through forgiveness.
Continued growth of the faith of the people.
Pray for understanding.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6

“First Steps,” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green, October 28, 2024

October 28, 2024

Dr. John Gladstone, an English Canadian Baptist minister, told a story about a fellow English clergyman who was serving a very small church.  Each week, at the end of the service, he would offer communion for those who stayed.  Week after week, only a handful of people would stay for the sacrament.  One Sunday, even less stayed. The minister even questioned if he should have it because there were just a few.  Eventually, he went on with what was promised.  He got to the part of the liturgy where it said, “And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn…”  He stopped, looked up towards heaven, and said, “God forgive me.  I didn’t realize I was in such company.”  

This coming Sunday is All Saints’ Sunday.  This Sunday reminds us that we are in a community above and beyond time and space.  In a mystical union, held together by Christ, we are connected to all those who have gone before us.  Frankly, I’m comforted by this connection.  I hope you are as well.

This Week’s Readings:

We are reading the Bible in just a little over a year!  We are now reading Numbers. You may join anytime.  Just mark your Bible on the chapter you started and keep up with the weekly readings.

Things to Pray About:

  • Pray for our country and the 2024 Presidential Election
  • Pray for spiritual maturity.
  • Our unwillingly absent members and shut-ins.
  • Pray for comfort for those who are grieving.
  • Wisdom for our church leaders, local leaders, and world leaders. 
  • Family restoration through forgiveness.
  • Continued growth of the faith of the people.
  • Pray for understanding.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6

August 25, 2024 – “Loneliness to Wholeness” – Rev. Dr. Shane Green

Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
August 25, 2024 – “Loneliness to Wholeness” – Rev. Dr. Shane Green

Hosea 2:15 and Luke 10:25-37

“First Steps,” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green, October 21, 2024

October 21, 2024

In the first half of Ephesians 4, Paul focuses on Christian maturity and how it creates unity in the Body of Christ.  In verse 15 Paul mentioned, “Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is Christ.”  

The association of truth and love in this clause is a significant one.  Any claim of loyalty to truth (which results in lack of love) stands as much condemned as any claim to an all-embracing love (which is indifferent to truth).  They are not competing as if to say there is a balance that is unachieved.  It is a lifestyle that is embodied.  The Church is seen as the witness to this lifestyle.  Both truth and love should flow freely and in lockstep with each other.

How great it would be for Christians to reclaim this understanding of maturity.  We are called to grow, develop, blossom, and mature.  It is this level of faith-living that is the most effective witness in the world.  Truth without love can be brutally legalistic, hyper-critical, and overly harsh.  Love without truth is empty sentimentality.  

We do both. 

This Week’s Readings:

We are reading the Bible in just a little over a year!  We are now finishing the reading of Leviticus and we are starting Numbers. You may join anytime.  Just mark your Bible on the chapter you started and keep up with the weekly readings.

Things to Pray About:

  • Pray for our country and the 2024 Presidential Election
  • Pray for spiritual maturity.
  • Our unwillingly absent members and shut-ins.
  • Pray for comfort for those who are grieving.
  • Wisdom for our church leaders, local leaders, and world leaders. 
  • Family restoration through forgiveness.
  • Continued growth of the faith of the people.
  • Pray for understanding.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6