October 9, 2022 – “Can It Really Be That Easy?” – Rev. Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
October 9, 2022 - "Can It Really Be That Easy?" - Rev. Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

Traditional Worship Service/Luke 15:11-32

First Steps – October 10, 2022

ā€œWhere is God in the middle of this?ā€  This was the question a spiritual director asked a group of pastors discussing the state of affairs. Like the other pastors around me, I feigned interest for part of me didnā€™t want to consider the question. It is easier to blame someone or something for what one dislikes or disagrees with.  Rarely does one take ownership.  Rarer still is the one who will begin with his/her own actions to see how those actions have affected another.  

After a few moments, the director asked again, ā€œWhere is God in the middle of thisā€¦what does God want you to learn?ā€ As I reflect upon this experience, I wonder how many arguments, frustrations, and disagreements would have instantly dissolved if I began with my part of the dysfunction or disagreement instead of pointing the finger at the other person.  I wonder how much peace I have forfeited, how much time wasted by not first looking inward.  

There is a prayer exercise that I do either before I go to bed or when I wake up. I examine the past 24 hours of my life. I look for those places where Iā€™ve added to another person, where I brought joy, and reflected the image of Christ to others. I pray for more of these events and opportunities. Likewise, I look for those times when I have detracted, not modeled Christ, and not put my best foot forward. I try not to offer excuses or justifications but simply own my intent and actions. Then, I pray for awareness to know when Iā€™m not modeling my Lord.  Awareness is the key, for I canā€™t mature or become the person I want to become without it.  At some point, we all must become comfortable with answering the question, ā€œWhere is God in the middle of this?ā€  Perhaps there lies the best opportunity to grow.   

This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – John 1
*Tuesday – John 2
*Wednesday – John 3
*Thursday – John 4
*Friday – John 5

Prayer Requests:
*Teachers, students, and parents coping with anxiety.
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

ā€œDonā€™t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.ā€ – Philippians 4:6

October 2, 2022 – “Fear, Faith and Control” – Rev. Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
October 2, 2022 - "Fear, Faith and Control" - Rev. Dr. Shane Green and Rev. John Fugh, Jr.

Traditional Worship Service/Luke 12:22-34

Sign-Up Online Is Available for St. Paul for All 2022!

SIGN UP HERE: spumccolumbus.com/events

The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Ā In a rising inflation environment, those adversely affected by the higher cost of basic needs experience greater food insecurity. Ā The faces of those affected arenā€™t simply those who live below the poverty line. Ā Although there are multiple overlapping issues that affect individuals and families affected by food insecurity, St. Paul has an opportunity and responsibility to help those in need.

In October, we want to make a difference through two opportunities to serve. Ā On Sunday, October 23rd, from 9 am to 1 pm, individuals, families, or groups can sign up for a shift to pack food bags that will be distributed around the world to help those without steady access to basic food items. Ā In addition, during October, St. Paul is packing our Boy Scout trailer with non-perishable food items to be distributed locally through our Wynnton Neighborhood Network ministry. Ā 

The next time you purchase groceries, add these items to your list:
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Canned Vegetables (any type)
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Canned Meat
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Canned Fruit
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Canned Tomato Products
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Mac & Cheese Boxes
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Spaghetti Sauce and Noodles
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Peanut Butter & Jelly
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Soups
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Cans of Yams
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Cans of Cranberries
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Cans of Evaporated Milk
ā€¢Ā Ā  Ā Boxes of Instant Potatoes

Volunteer and join me on October 23rd, as we hope to pack 25,000 food bags, and letā€™s fill up our trailer!
