Youth and Children’s Ministry Medical / Liability Release Form

A medical and liability release for events at St Paul Church of Columbus, specifically for children’s and youth events, is an important aspect of ensuring the safety and well-being of your student. You are required to select the event from the provided drop-down menu for which you are completing the medical and liability release form. It is crucial to have a copy of both the front and back of your student’s medical insurance card ready as you will be asked to upload it during the process. Once you submit the form, you will be guided to a page where you can electronically sign the consent. It is essential to thoroughly read the consent before signing it, as it outlines the necessary terms and conditions. Rest assured, a copy of the signed form will be emailed to you for your records. Your cooperation in completing this process is greatly appreciated as it contributes to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all participants.

Participant Information

Because information is unique to individuals, a separate form is required for each participant of the same family.
Student's Name(Required)
If necessary, SUFFIX is Jr, Sr, II, III, etc.
Date of Birth(Required)

Parent / Guardian Information

Name of Parent / Guardian Completing this Form(Required)
This person will be required to electronically sign this form when completed. If necessary, SUFFIX is Jr, Sr, II, III, etc.
Email of Parent / Guardian Completing this Form(Required)
Completed and signed form will be emailed to this address after signed by this person.
Name of Other Parent / Emergency Contact(Required)
If necessary, SUFFIX is Jr, Sr, II, III, etc.

Health Insurance / Medical Information

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 192 MB.
    If none, type “NONE”
    Estimated Date of Last Tetanus Booster(Required)