First Steps – June 10, 2019

ā€œWhen Jesus told us to love God with all out heart, soul and mind, he gave us a challenging task, impossible for any of us earthlings to accomplish. Nevertheless, our Lord did tell us to love this way. His purpose is that we should admit our weakness and seek mercy.

“When you pray, intend to make your prayer as complete and honest as you can. If you are dissatisfied with the results of your effort, do not be too angry with yourself. Do not complain that God has not given you the kind of devotion he gives others. Instead, acknowledge your weakness, consider it a valid prayer, and trust that in his mercy God will make it good. Do your part and allow our Lord to give you what he will. You are not praying to teach God anything.ā€ – (Walter Hilton: The Scale of Perfection)

I like the last two sentences: “Do your part and allow our Lord to give you what he will. You are not praying to teach God anything.” Often we see prayer as a dictation to God or a means to conform God into something we desire or want. Prayer is the means for our conformity to God.

Over the next few weeks, begin each prayer with, ā€œLord, what is it that you want me to learn or do?ā€ Then sit for a few moments and listen to the thoughts that enter your mind. Then bring your requests to him AFTER you have made yourself available to him.

This Week’s Reading:

  • Monday ā€“ Rom 9, Rom 10, Rom 11, Rom 12
  • Tuesday ā€“ Rom 13, Rom 14, Rom 15, Rom 16
  • Wednesday ā€“ Eph 1, Eph 2, Eph 3, Eph 4
  • Thursday ā€“ Eph 5, Eph 6
  • Friday ā€“ Phil 1, Phil 2, Phil 3, Phil 4

    Please Pray for:

  • Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications.
  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • Those who are unwillingly absent.
  • Those who are grieving and depressed.
  • The United Methodist Church.
  • Our nation and our leaders.