First Steps – January 23, 2023

“We may not have the capacity to become what Saul of Tarsus became, but we may be in the channel of God’s will just as truly as was Paul, and our lives may have the smile of God upon them, though in some hidden way that the world may never know” (Elizabeth Morrison).
Throughout my ministry, I often hear people describing their lives as not important to God’s Kingdom. Because they don’t teach, preach, sing, or evangelize, then their work is not effective to the Church or to God. How untrue!  Granted, those whose gifts edify the ministries of the Church seem to be highlighted because those gifts are witnessed by all. They are easy to see. However, what someone doesn’t see is the one on their knees praying for all.  What someone doesn’t see is the gentle witness of encouragement and love that cultivate a life. 
These gentle servants of God are the real salt of the earth. They are the ones who believe they can change the world by living out Micah 6:8. They are the ones who do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. They are the ones who treat people equally and with fairness. They are the ones who are forgiving because they give what they received. They are the ones who are modest and meek. If you ask me, they will be the ones who change the world because every step they take is a step of incarnational witness as a follower of Christ. They are the real effective servants because they live according to the most excellent way—the Love of God.

 This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – Acts 2
*Tuesday – Acts 3
*Wednesday – Acts 4
*Thursday – Acts 5
*Friday – Acts 6, Acts 7

Prayer Requests:
*Continued blessings in the New Year 2023.
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6