“First Steps,” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green, December 30, 2024

December 30, 2024

Christmas Day celebrates the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior, but the message of Christmas doesn’t end on December 25. For Christians, the birth of Jesus is not just an event to remember but a reality to live out every day. The incarnation—God becoming flesh in Jesus Christ—calls us to embody His love, grace, and truth in our daily lives. Just as God came near to humanity in the person of Jesus, we are called to be His presence in the world, reflecting His light in all we do.

The story of Christmas is one of God’s love breaking into the world in a tangible way. In John 1:14, we read, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Jesus didn’t remain distant; He entered into the messiness of human life to bring hope, salvation, and restoration. As followers of Christ, we are called to do the same—to step into the brokenness of the world and bring the love of God to those around us. This isn’t limited to the holiday season; it’s a daily calling to live incarnationally, letting our actions, words, and presence reflect Christ.

Carrying the spirit of Christmas into the world requires intentionality. It means being present with others, offering kindness, and serving selflessly. It means listening to the lonely, comforting the hurting, and standing up for justice. Just as Jesus met people where they were, we are called to meet the needs of those around us. When we embody the love of Christ, we make the message of Christmas—God with us—a reality for others.

Living out the fulfillment of God’s promise also involves sharing the good news of salvation. Christmas reminds us that Jesus came to reconcile us to God, offering eternal life to all who believe in Him. This is a message too transformative to keep to ourselves. As we go about our daily lives, let us look for opportunities to share the hope and joy of Christ, not just in words but in the way we live.

The celebration of Christmas may end, but its meaning continues. As we move beyond Christmas Day, let us carry the promise of God’s love and redemption into every corner of our lives. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, may we be faithful to our calling to be Christ’s hands and feet, bringing His presence into a world in desperate need of His light. This is how we live Christmas every day.

This Week’s Readings:

We are reading the Bible in just a little over a year!  We are now reading Deuteronomy. You may join anytime.  Just mark your Bible on the chapter you started and keep up with the weekly readings.

Things to Pray About:

  • Pray for a time of preparation during this upcoming year.
  • Pray for world peace.
  • Pray for hope, especially for those less fortunate.
  • Pray for safety and comfort for those who are hurting.
  • Pray for personal commitment during worship.
  • Pray for our absent members and those who are homebound.
  • Comfort for those who mourn.
  • Guidance and wisdom for our church, local, and world leaders.
  • Healing and forgiveness to restore families.
  • Continued strengthening of faith in our community.
  • Pray for a faith that transcends understanding.
  • Pray for spiritual maturity

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6