The Sanctuary Is Finished!

Good News St. Paul!!

Our Sanctuary Renovations are complete and that means we will be in the sanctuary this Sunday for the 10:55am Worship Service. We have a beautiful sanctuary and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.Ā  However, if it is more convenient for you to worship earlier, consider our 8:30am worship Service in the Illges Chapel or the 9am Contemporary Service that is in the CWC.


Order Your Easter Sunday Lilies


A special insert of these recognitions will be printed on an insert in the Easter Sunday bulletin. Ā The cost is $12 each. Ā Please make your check for the lilies payable to the St. Paul Altar Guild.

Forms can be found in the Sunday worship bulletins and at the Church office. Ā We have 120 lilies so orders are on a first come, first serve basis.