Here’s How to Help with Disaster Relief

All of us have seen the devastation and horrible loss in the news.

The South Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church is immediately responding to the weekend tornado outbreak that left a deadly trail in six Midwest states. There are multiple ways you can help.

1. You can give online to the South Georgia UMC Conference. 100% of the donations will be sent to the Tennessee-Kentucky Conference. Click here to give online.

2. You can also give through a donation to St. Paul UMC, earmarked “Tornado relief”. St. Paul will  then send the money to the Administrative Services Office.

3.  Or you can mail money directly earmarked for Conference Advance Special #6798 to Administrative Services, PO Box 7227, Macon, GA 31209.

4. You may also give to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) through this link (US Disaster Response and Recovery #901670). UMCOR will be on the ground and will be assisting devastated areas.  

Finally, please keep those who experienced loss or trauma from the storms in your prayers. Suffering after a storm is unimaginable, especially during Advent and Christmas. 

Be A Keeper of Their Story

Please keep our upcoming Ukraine Mission Trip in your prayers.  St Paul has a long-standing ministry in Ukraine.  Iā€™m delighted our church serves in this capacity.  Some of you constantly ask what you can do to help this ministry. 

First, please pray for Ukraine, their citizenryā€”especially their orphans.  Second, if you would like to financially support this ministry, below is a list of some of the needs for the orphans we support. 

If you would like to donate to these Ukraine Mission needs, please contact Cindy Shavers

The Shelves are Bare…

It’s our turn, St. Paul Family, to help Wynnton Neighborhood Network to feed those in our community. The shelves at Wynnton Neighborhood Network are bare. Please bring to the church office your donations of canned fruit, canned tomatoes, canned soup, and canned vegetables.

Unfortunately, the need for food in our neighborhood is growing, and we need your help to keep the shelves full for those in need. Thank you for your help.