First Steps – June 21, 2017

“What do I really desire from Christ?ā€ Have you ever thought of that question? William Law, an English mystical clergyman, answered it this way:

How is it that Christ helped the lame and the blind, the lunatic and the leper, the publican and sinner? It is because of their desire for it. They came in authentic faith. Christ responded to them, ā€œYour faith has made you well.ā€ Therefore, what we really desire is the real issue.

Law would say, they wanted Christ for the next world and for the current world. They wanted a changed life so that everything is altered: a new way of thinking, acting, and speaking. This change is so radical that the blind see, the lame walk, and the mute speak.

He would continue by stating that being saved is nothing other than being made like Jesus. It is to gain his humility, meekness, and self-denial. It involves doing Godā€™s will and seeking to please God alone. Ā He would often wonder that if one is not able to plead with the same intensity of the sick (who came to Christ), then maybe one needs to consider if they really want Christ as their savior.

So, I ask you again, ā€œWhat do you really desire from Christ?ā€

I invite you to read the Bible with me – This week’s reading:
Monday – Hebrews 2
Tuesday – Hebrews 3
Wednesday – Hebrews 4
Thursday – Hebrews 5
Friday – Hebrews 6
Please pray for:
Capital Campaign
United Methodist Church
Summer Ukraine Mission Trip (June 16-July 3, 2017)
Summer Children and Youth Activities
The Unwillingly Absent

Keeping Sabbath

Summer provides an opportunity for Sabbath. Many will frequent the beach, the mountains, or some other destination for needed rest and relaxation. Ā During these breaks, we are afforded the opportunity to recharge our bodies, physically, mentality, emotionally, and relationally. Frankly, we need it. At the same time, donā€™t neglect your spirituality. Sabbath breaks werenā€™t designed to be an absence of a spiritual component. From the very beginning, God and Sabbath are linked. We need to take a break from our normal routine because we are more than a commodity. People are not things. Sabbath reinforces this core understanding of how God values a person.

Therefore, as you travel this summer, look for spiritual opportunities to stay connected. Here are a few to consider:

  1. Worshipā€”Perhaps there is a church near to where you are traveling. If not, donā€™t forget our St. Paulā€™s online ministry. You can live stream our worship services or watch one that has been archived.
  2. Private Devotionsā€”There are countless devotional books, magazines, or resources that travel well. They provide an excellent opportunity to focus your thoughts towards God.
  3. Journalsā€”Writing your reflections is very similar to writing prayers. It creates a God-centered antenna. It teaches you to look for where God is working in your life.
  4. Online Bible Studiesā€”Our RightNow Media Resource has thousands of studies where you can chose the subject, the time, and pace by which you can participate.

Consider these ways to stay connected as you travel. Keeping Sabbath is important. As you do, look for ways to grow in your faith. God bless.