First Steps – December 4, 2017

In the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, people are waiting for the Messiah.  It is not a passive waiting but an active waiting. They know what they are waiting for is growing from the very place they are standing.  Simeon even said, “Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace.  For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in

the sight of all nations:  a light to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.”  They didn’t wait with empty hearts.  Something had already happened.

This is the secret for us about waiting.  We wait with the conviction that a seed has been planted and something has already begun.  Active waiting implies being fully present to the moment with the conviction that something has and is happening—God’s Kingdom has come!

As you wait for the coming of Christ, wait knowing that God is at work in you and in the world.  Wait with conviction and confidence that the one who began a good work in you [and in the world] is faithful to bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.

This week’s reading:


Monday – Mark 11, 12
Tuesday – Mark 13, 14
Wednesday – Mark 15, 16
Thursday – Galatians 1, 2
Friday – Galatians 3, 4

Please Pray for:

  • The upcoming Ukraine Mission Trip.
  • The many who dread this season because of the pain of brokenness, sadness, and grief.
  • Everyone who will attend worship services at this time of the year—may they rest in the joy of God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.

First Steps – November 27, 2017

Each morning I start my day with a few daily devotionals and prayerful reflection.  My goal is to begin the day centered in the presence of God.  If I start there, then I can stay centered as the day unfolds.  A few weeks ago, one of my devotionals had this prayer:

“O Blessed God, grant me the grace this day to rest and remember that there is nothing I have to do, nothing I have to buy and sell, nothing I have to produce or consume in order to become who I already am:  your beloved creation.

Release me from my overworked self and help those who cannot rest today from their need to draw worth from production.  Usher me into the liberty of your grace that flows freely from the joy of your love.”

Begin your day with this prayer!

This week’s reading:

Monday – Mark 1, 2
Tuesday – Mark 3, 4
Wednesday – Mark 5, 6
Thursday – Mark 7, 8
Friday – Mark 9, 10

Please Pray for:
Family relationships during the holidays
Travel mercies for all this holiday season

God Bless,