Overheard During the Children’s Sermon (December 10, 2017)
From: December 10, 2017
Click Here to Watch the Entire Service
Presenting: The Cherub Choir!
From: December 10, 2017
Click Here to Watch the Whole Service
First Steps – December 11, 2017
We light this candle of Hope as a symbol of Christ.
May the light sent from God shine in the darkness to
show us the way of salvation.
May the light sent from God shine in the darkness to
show us the way of salvation.
Have you ever heard song lyrics or a line of poetry and then for days have it play over and over in your mind? Since last Sunday, I haven’t been able to escape the above lines from our Advent reading. We light this candle of Hope in a world that has enough darkness. In a world that breads on separation, brokenness, fear, and selfishness, the need for hope is paramount. Our world needs hope. We need hope. Often an inclining of hope can work wonders for it carries within itself possibility. A possibility that things can be different and the same patterns of the past don’t have to be the future.Christmas in its basic form is hope. God, in Christ Jesus, a humble innocent infant becomes for all the means of salvation. He is the possibility that all things can be made new. That is our hope. Listen again:
We light this candle of Hope as a symbol of Christ.
May the light sent from God shine in the darkness to
show us the way of salvation
May the light sent from God shine in the darkness to
show us the way of salvation
My prayer for us is that we would allow that infinite light to shine in our lives knowing that it will dispel whatever levels of darkness that shadows over us. We light this candle of Hope…May the light sent from God shine in the darkness—Thanks be to God, Amen.
This week’s reading:
Monday – Galatians 5, 6
Tuesday – 1 Corinthians 1-3
Wednesday – 1 Corinthians 4-6
Thursday – 1 Corinthians 7-8
Friday – 1 Corinthians 9-11
Wednesday – 1 Corinthians 4-6
Thursday – 1 Corinthians 7-8
Friday – 1 Corinthians 9-11
Please Pray for:
- The upcoming Ukraine Mission Trip.
- The many who dread this season because of the pain of brokenness, sadness, and grief.
- Everyone who will attend worship services at this time of the year—may they rest in the joy of God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.