First Steps – May 28, 2018

John Wesley was almost in despair.  He did not have the faith to continue to preach. When death stared him in the face, he was fearful and found little comfort in his faith. To Peter Böhler, a Moravian friend, he confessed his growing misery and decision to give up the ministry. Böhler counseled otherwise. “Preach faith till you have it,” he advised, “and then because you have it, you will preach faith.”

John acted on the advice. He led a prisoner to Christ by preaching faith in Christ alone for forgiveness of sins. The prisoner was immediately converted. John was astonished. The Moravians assured him their personal experiences had also been instantaneous. John found himself crying out, “Lord, help my unbelief!” However, he felt empty within and wasn’t motivated even to pray for his own salvation.  On this day, May 24, 1738, he opened his Bible about five in the morning and came across these words, “There are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, even that ye should be partakers of the divine nature.” He read similar words in other places.

That evening he reluctantly attended a meeting in Aldersgate.  Someone read from Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to Romans. About 8:45 p.m. “while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed.  I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.”

It took him some time to learn how to live the life of faith; for he was not always joyful and thought he had fallen from salvation. It took time for him to see that it is not Christ and good works, but Christ alone who saves and that leads to good works.

As time went on, John Wesley was mightily used of the Lord to reform England.  His Methodists became a national force.  John rode thousands of miles, about 20,000 a year, preaching as only a man filled with the Holy Spirit can preach, telling the gospel of salvation by faith to all who would listen.


This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Mark 14
  • Tuesday – Mark 15
  • Wednesday – Mark 16
  • Thursday – Galatians 1
  • Friday – Galatians 2

Please Pray for:

  • A safe Memorial Day weekend.
  • Our new mayor and city leaders.
  • Our families, workplace, church, and community.
  • Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.

First Steps – May 21, 2018

Thomas a’ Kempis once said:
“Why are you upset when things don’t go the way you wish? Who gets everything his/her way? I don’t. You don’t. No one does. Not one person on earth—not even a king or a pope—has a problem-free life. Do you know who can deal with troubles best? It is the person who is willing to suffer something for God. Thoughtless people say, ‘Look at the happy life that person leads! Money! Prestige! Power!’ But if you consider the riches of heaven, you will see that these earthly things are inconsequential, undependable, and more a burden than a privilege.  They are always accompanied by anxiety and fear.  Our happiness does not depend upon owning a lot of things.  Having enough to get along will do.

Life on earth involves misery. The spiritually perceptive person is even more aware of this because that person sees clearly the effects of human corruption…Friend, don’t give up your spiritual journey.”

If no one gets everything their way and life involves some misery, then perhaps our efforts in life should focus more on the one who brings comfort and peace. Faith in God transcends circumstances. Trust in him in all things and you will find what you need in all things.


This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Mark 9
  • Tuesday – Mark 10
  • Wednesday – Mark 11
  • Thursday – Mark 12
  • Friday – Mark 13

Please Pray for:

  • Our Military –  leaders and soldiers
  • Our families, workplace, church, and community
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones
  • Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking