Announcements for this Week, June 19, 2022
A huge thank you to all who helped with Vacation Bible School last week!
Small groups for fall of 2022 are still forming! If you are interested in more information or to sign up, please send an email to Mary Lou Jarrell.
The Youth have a very busy June planned with activities, workouts, and more fun! See Laura or Logan to make sure you are signed up for the emails and texts with details!
SafeHouse ministries is in need of donations of clothing for both men and women as their closet is bare! So – use this as an excuse to clean out your closets and bring the items to St. Paul. We will get them to SafeHouse. Thank you!
@safehouseministries Cokesbury’s Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Trotter Talks Bible Study: Friends of God, Episode 1
Emily Trotter’s Bible Study Series are called “Trotter Talks.” Emily creates themed lessons to help us understand Biblical reference and apply it to our modern lives. In this series, “Friends of God,” Emily discusses people from the Old and New Testament. These special people have incredible stories of faith!