Episode 3: Trotter on Titus

Join Emily Trotter as she leads a study through the book of Titus. See all the videos of the series by clicking https://stpaulcolumbus.com/media/trotter-on-titus/

In this episode: Titus 2:1; 1 Peter 1:13-16; Matthew 5:14-16; Hebrews 4:12, 5:11, 6:10, 6:17 and 10:23. biblehub.com for Greek Concordance.

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Church Streaming and Podcast License
License Number: CSPL055770

Additional License from One License #A-714141 and CCLI #2035791

Mansell Amos Christian Testimony

Mansell Amos, a high-school student and athlete, talks with Rev. Dr. Shane Green of his Christian journey to faith. Helping a friend through a rough time has shown Mansell the joys of sharing God’s love. Because of his friend, Mansell decided to start a teen Bible study group during Covid. It is also helping shape his future after high school.

We hold a current license from
Church Streaming and Podcast License
License Number: CSPL055770

Additional License from One License #A-714141 and CCLI #2035791

Riding with the Wind [Worship]

This Week’s Service:

Prelude: “Preludio a Capriccio” | A. Vivaldi (Wayne Martz, Harpsichord | Ruslan Apostolov, Violin | Ina Apostolova, Cello)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Logan Ogletree)
Hymn: “Love Divine” (Hymn 384)
Apostles’ Creed (Curtis, Carolyn, and Catherine Perry)
Reading of Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-3; Matthew 6:25-34 (Logan Ogletree)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “Be Still” (Wayne and Jeanne Martz | by Mary McDonald)
Sermon: “Riding with the Wind” (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Hymn: “Seek Ye First” (Hymn 405)
Benediction (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Postlude: “Verso” | Anon (Wayne Martz, Organ)

Episode 2: Trotter on Titus

Join Emily Trotter as she leads a study through the book of Titus. See all the videos of the series by clicking https://stpaulcolumbus.com/media/trotter-on-titus/

We hold a current license from
Church Streaming and Podcast License
License Number: CSPL055770

Additional License from One License #A-714141 and CCLI #2035791

Riding with the Wind [Worship]

This Week’s Service:

Prelude: “Preludio a Capriccio” | A. Vivaldi (Wayne Martz, Harpsichord | Ruslan Apostolov, Violin | Ina Apostolova, Cello)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lord’s Prayer (Logan Ogletree)
Hymn: “Love Divine” (Hymn 384)
Apostles’ Creed (Curtis, Carolyn, and Catherine Perry)
Reading of Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:1-3; Matthew 6:25-34 (Logan Ogletree)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: “Be Still” (Wayne and Jeanne Martz | by Mary McDonald)
Sermon: “Riding with the Wind” (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Hymn: “Seek Ye First” (Hymn 405)
Benediction (Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green)
Postlude: “Verso” | Anon (Wayne Martz, Organ)