St. Paul Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

Easter Egg Hunt

It’s the time of year to think of pastel colored eggs, grass filled baskets, and joyous faces!! Yes, it’s time to think about St. Paul’s annual Easter Egg Hunt! šŸ£

Join us on Thursday, April the 14th, at 2200 Oak Avenue, at 5:15 p.m. Following the hunt join us for our Maundy Thursday Dinner and Worship Service. šŸ™ Please help us with the Easter Egg Hunt by donating pre-filled eggs. Donations may be dropped off at the church office. We promise to try to keep Rev. Dr. Shane Green from eating the candy-filled eggs! šŸ¬šŸ¬šŸ¬.

Handbell Choir Meets on Wednesdays at 5:00 P.M.

You may associate our magnificent HANDBELL CHOIR with Christmas…but we are ringing bells all of the time! Besides, there’s never a bad time to give THANKS and PRAISE to OUR LORD!! If you’re interested in joining the handbell choir, or any of our choirs, please contact the church office at 706-327-7419.

Handbell Choir Rehearsal is on Wednesdays fromā‹…5:00 ā€“ 6:00pm.

How to “Be the Difference,” from the Ellis’

Mark and Courtney Ellis talk about the importance of getting involved in church, as a married couple, as friends, and as parents. Listen for how Mark talks about things coming “full circle.” You can always “Be the Difference” in small ways.
Please join us as Shane continues his Sermon Series on “Be the Difference.” If you missed the 9AM service, you can watch the 11AM service at This week, the sermon is subtitled “Problematic Blessings.”

$713.76 Donated by Children for Socks Full of Change for Ukraine!

$713.76 TOTAL!!! That’s what our children collected and donated to our fellow UKRAINIAN CHILDREN in ORPHANAGES. Children get so excited and involved in seeing how their gifts benefit kids just like them in another part of the world! It is so heartwarming to see children understand and welcome Christian servitude.

Speaking of “servitude,” the girls weren’t quite as excited about serving pizza for the boys. The boys had raised more money and therefore were the winners. But all children involved certainly ended up a winner, whether they gave or received!

More about FIRST STEPS each week!

Did you know you can easily READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR?!! If you’d like to follow Shane’s First Steps digital letter, published each Monday, just look for it on social media or call to be added to the list of recipients. You can START TODAY! In a year, you’ll have read the WHOLE BIBLE!! WOW!!

A Wednesday Bible Study Opportunity!

Join Mary Lou on a journey through the book of Ruth to learn more about how God can work in ways we don’t always see. Thanks be to God! Please read Ruth 2: 5 -13 before gathering, and here’s a question to ponder: What is the kindest thing you’ve seen someone do for another person?

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or need the Zoom link. All are welcome!