Announcements for this Week, June 19, 2022

Mary Lou Jarrell presents the Announcements each week.

A huge thank you to all who helped with Vacation Bible School last week!

Small groups for fall of 2022 are still forming! If you are interested in more information or to sign up, please send an email to Mary Lou Jarrell.

The Youth have a very busy June planned with activities, workouts, and more fun! See Laura or Logan to make sure you are signed up for the emails and texts with details!

SafeHouse ministries is in need of donations of clothing for both men and women as their closet is bare! So – use this as an excuse to clean out your closets and bring the items to St. Paul. We will get them to SafeHouse. Thank you!

@safehouseministries Cokesbury’s Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Funny Video, but Serious Need at Rosehill Safehouse Ministries!

The clothing bank at RoseHill/Safehouse is in need of new or gently used clothing items, plus shoes for men and women. Clothing of any size for men or women, new or used, would be greatly appreciated.

More folks are coming in because of the economy. Take advantage of the opportunity to clean out your closets and help someone in need! Thank you so much for your prayers and donations! If you have any questions or concerns, email Joe Morrow ([email protected]).

Preschool Graduation 2022!

Preschool Graduation was held on May 20, 2022. Like Preschool Director, Mrs. Nan Konze, we are so very proud of our little ones! These sweet children spent the year “Reaching for the Stars,” and showcased some of their work during the Graduation Ceremony. A highlight of the day included readings of “Love Letters from Teachers.” We wish our children and their parents many blessings in the years to come. ā€œWhere God guides, he provides.ā€ ā€“ Isaiah 58:11

Memorial Day – May 30, 2022 – Remembering the Sacrifice

Last year, Janice Watson gave a beautiful, patriotic testimony regarding her calling to use her nursing skills for Veterans. Here, Janice discusses the importance of MEMORIALIZING those who came before us. This MEMORIAL DAY, who will you honor for his/her sacrifices to our country? GOD BLESS THE USA!! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø