First Steps – September 3, 2018

I have a child who loves acting. Broadway is her happy place. When she performs, she radiates a sense of joy and fulfillment. Unfortunately, there is a side of acting that has nothing to do with the stages, sets, comedies, or tragedies.  It is the false reality where most people live.

For instance, when there is a reluctance to admit weaknesses, we inadvertently live a lie.  Often we pretend everything is okay, only to hide behind the mask of competence, self-sufficiency, and perfection. The unintended consequence is isolation from those who are closest to us. Fearful that someone would notice that we don’t have-it-all-together, we exhaust our energy maintaining this false reality.

The remedy is to do the one thing we think will be the most painful: Admit/Confess our weaknesses.  If we do, we think it will bring the whole house down.  What we think will be painful actually becomes the means to freedom.

As you begin this week, take a moment to center yourself before God.  Pray this prayer:

O God, you are always more ready to hear than I’m ready to share. Help me to come out of the shadows of the false reality that I have created. Lord, help me to be authentic and live knowing that any level of perfection stems from you in me and not what I generate. Lord, as I live each minute in this week to come, strengthen me to be comfortable in my own skin knowing that I’m loved first by you. Cover me with your love and acceptance.  Amen.


This week’s reading:

  • Monday – 1 Thessalonians 5
  • Tuesday – 2 Thessalonians 1
  • Wednesday –2 Thessalonians 2
  • Thursday – 2 Thessalonians 3
  • ​Friday – Romans 1

Please Pray for:

  • The United Methodist Church
  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • ​Our nation and our leaders.
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • ​Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • Upcoming activities and studies planned for this fall/winter.


Someone asked me the other day, “How do you not worry?” The question stemmed from one’s reading of Matthew 6:25-34, where Jesus told his audience to not worry about food, clothes, or tomorrow. Though one can make a case that the context of the scripture is geared more toward one’s basic financial needs, the real remedy for our worry is in understanding the difference between our wants and our needs.

In the text, God is the caregiver to our needs.  Jesus reminds his audience that God will take care of our basic physical needs.  Jesus eloquently cited examples like the birds of the air and flowers of the field to show that God provides for both. They do not go wanting.  He provides for their needs. But what we wish for is more than our needs—what we really desire is our wants.  There lies the rub and often the source of our anxiety.  Think about it for a moment, what do you worry about the most?  What you are going to eat? What clothes to wear? Probably not…for so many, those aren’t the concern. The anxiety stems more from our abundance, not from our scarcity.

Therefore, maybe we need to press the reset button again. Take a moment today, to sit quietly, take inventory your life, and see all that is already provided for you.  Pray for a changed heart to be satisfied with what we already have and not what we want.  Take this opportunity to surrender yourself into God’s hands.  Know that is enough and nothing else is needed. Allow God to harness your worry, calm the panic, and assure you that God cares about who you are and what is taking place in your life.



This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Matthew 28
  • Tuesday – 1 Thessalonians 1
  • Wednesday –1 Thessalonians 2
  • Thursday – 1 Thessalonians 3
  • ​Friday – 1 Thessalonians 4


Please Pray for:

  • The United Methodist Church
  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • ​Our nation and our leaders.
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • ​Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • Upcoming activities and studies planned for this fall/winter.

First Steps, August 20, 2018

I once read that when we fail to forgive, we hold others and ourselves in a pseudo-conscious bondage.  Refusal to forgive holds the other person in the bondage of our own judgment.  In our minds, the other person can never be more than what we conceive of them because of the event that led to our bitterness.

For instance, a person hurts me and I perceive him/her as a rat. He/she will always be a rat because I can’t envision anything else.  Though the person is bound in my consciousness as a rat, the real bondage is NOT the other person—IT IS ME.  Failure to forgive traps me.  Often the other person lives their life free from bitterness trappings; but I’m bound to that singular event which holds me as a captive.  It is not by chance that the Latin word for mercy (Eleison) actually means, “to unbind.”

Perhaps this is why Jesus taught often on the subject of forgiveness. Maybe it is the key to true freedom. I think so. Therefore, pursue forgiveness and in doing so, you pursue freedom.




This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Matthew 23
  • Tuesday – Matthew 24
  • Wednesday – Matthew 25
  • Thursday – Matthew 26
  • ​Friday – Matthew 27

Please Pray for:

  • The United Methodist Church
  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
    ​Our nation and our leaders.
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • ​Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • Upcoming activities and studies planned for this fall/winter.


First Steps – August 13, 2018

As you begin this week, I invite you to reflect upon Daniel 10:19a (whenever there is a lowercase letter attached to a verse it relates to what part of the verse is highlighted.  For instance, “a” relates to the first phrase of the verse, “b” relates to the second phrase of the verse, etc.):

“Don’t be afraid for you are very precious to God; be at peace and be strong and of good courage…”

Repeat this verse over and over today.  Take at least five minutes this morning pondering the verse. Imagine the peace of God encompassing you, giving you strength.  Therefore, you do not have to be afraid!

This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Matthew 18
  • Tuesday – Matthew 19
  • Wednesday – Matthew 20
  • Thursday – Matthew 21
  • ​Friday – Matthew 22

Please Pray for: 

  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • Teachers and children as they begin a new school year.
  • ​Our nation and our leaders.
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • ​Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • Upcoming activities and studies planned for this fall/winter.

First Steps – August 6, 2018

This Monday morning, I invite you to pray this prayer with me:

“My God, every fiber of my being vibrates at the touch of your grace, because I have been given the privilege of being your child. What joy it is to receive this overwhelming gesture of love and mercy.  Lord, thank you for the high privilege you extend to me of entering into the life of Christ that invades my being with an acute sense of your closeness.  I can only respond with gratitude.

Yet, My Lord and God, how often I’m cold to you.  I forget to love and respond with graciousness.  This always leads to my own harm and something I regret.  Forgive me Lord!  Please set my life aflame so that my heart burns with your Spirit.  Help me to reflect your image this week so that when others observe me they see what you are doing inside of me.  It is then that I hope they are convinced of your love for them from what they witness in me.  Amen.”


This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Matthew 13
  • Tuesday – Matthew 14
  • Wednesday – Matthew 15
  • Thursday – Matthew 16
  • ​Friday – Matthew 17

Please Pray for:

  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • ​Our nation and our leaders.
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • ​Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • Upcoming activities and studies planned for this fall/winter.

First Steps – July 30, 2018

When one is baptized they are commissioned to mission and mentoring.  It is also an entrance into a faith community.  Jesus invited disciples to be coworkers with him inside God’s Kingdom that He [Jesus] ushered in.  He promised to be with them as they work and serve.  It has been proven over and over, the best path is when the whole faith community of disciples, who are gathered around the feet of Jesus, teach others his way of life.  It is a corporate effort that yields effective ministry.  As people on the go, we should be imparting the message and life of the kingdom by starting disciple-making communities wherever we are and wherever our travels may take us.

The sign at the door says, “Welcome To The Neighborhood” and “What We Do—We Do Together.”


This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Matthew 8
  • Tuesday – Matthew 9
  • Wednesday – Matthew 10
  • Thursday – Matthew 11
  • ​Friday – Matthew 12

Please Pray for:

  • ​Our nation and our leaders.
  • Those grieving the loss of loved ones.
  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • ​Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • Upcoming activities and studies planned for this fall.