Announcements with Mary Lou – Week of June 12, 2022

Small groups for fall of 2022 are forming! If you are interested in more information or to sign up, please fill out one of the forms or send an email to Mary Lou Jarrell. Life is better together!

Father’s Day is next Sunday and you can give the gift of love to Wesley Glen Ministries in honor or memory of your father/grandfather/father of your children/or any of the father figures in your life. There is a blue insert in your bulletin (and found around the church) to get the correct info to the church. Deadline to be included in the recognition list is Tuesday, June 14.

The Youth have a very busy June planned with activities, workouts, fun, VBS and more – see Laura or Logan to make sure you are signed up for the emails and texts with details!

Speaking of VBS – it’s this week! Our church and youth building will be filled with the wonderful sounds of children learning about God (and having tons of fun). Please be in prayer for all of the leaders, volunteers, parents and children. Theme this year is “Food Truck”.

SafeHouse ministries is in need of donations of clothing for both men and women as their closet is bare! So – use this as an excuse to clean out your closets and bring the items to St. Paul. We will get them to SafeHouse. Thank you!

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Church Streaming and Podcast License
License Number: CSPL055770

Additional License from One License #A-714141 and CCLI #2035791