These are our announcements for the week of July 3rd.
Church offices will be closed Monday, July 4th, for the holiday.
Small groups – you’ve seen or heard the announcements but now’s the time to speak up if you would like to join one! Plans will be finalized in the next few weeks so the books can be ordered and the group leaders prepped for the launch of this wonderful project the 2nd week in August. Send a quick email to Mary Lou Jarrell ([email protected]) to add your name to the list. Life is better together!
SafeHouse ministry still needs you to clean out your closets and bring those gently used items for men or women to the church! Thank you!
What’s going on in July:
Elementary Church camp at Shocco Springs is July 11 – 15.
Youth Rec Camp in Tennessee is July 25 – July 29.
And speaking of youth, they have many fun activities planned for July! Please let Laura ([email protected]) know if you are not getting details.
Thank you!
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