First Steps – July 25, 2022

  ā€œYou are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfootā€ (Matthew 5:13).
Salt in the ancient world was incredibly valuable. The ability to drill underground and trucks to haul salt from one place to another didnā€™t exist.  In Jesusā€™ day, salt was hard to come by and not transportable in large quantities.  However, as it is today, salt was a preservative and a flavoring agent. Part of a Roman soldier’s pay was in salt because it was used for hydration and as an antiseptic, two things a soldier desperately needed on a battlefield.  The word salary stems from the Latin word for salt. 
In Jesusā€™ day, every person knew the value of salt. Perhaps it is for that reason Jesus compared his followers to the preservative-favoring agent. But how can salt stop being salt? For Jesus, he wasnā€™t referring to molecule change of a compound, but contamination where other substances overpower the original. When that happens, sodium chloride loses its ability to be sodium chloride because other substances pollute it. Then, it is useless. It is neither good for food nor soil. Just chuck it out!
It is interesting that Jesus gave this imperative after The Beatitudes (Matt 5:3-10) meaning that Christ’s followers preserve and season the culture through influence. By living a lifestyle that illustrates the qualities of the Beatitudes: Humility, Mournful, Meek, Righteous Desire, Merciful, Purity, and Peace Seekers. When one lives this style of life, they are salt to those around them. 



This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – Ephesians 1
*Tuesday – Ephesians 2
*Wednesday- Ephesians 3
*Thursday – Ephesians 4
*Friday- Ephesians 5

Prayer Requests:
*Children’s safety as summer activities come to an end and the new school year approaches. 
*An immediate end to the crisis in Ukraine.
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

ā€œDonā€™t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.ā€ – Philippians 4:6