May 30, 2021 – Lazarus’ Second Act

Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
May 30, 2021 - Lazarus' Second Act

This Week’s Service

The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar
The Prelude: ā€œRequiescat in Paceā€ Gordon Young
The Hymn of Celebration: ā€œLeaning on the Everlasting Armsā€
The Affirmation of Faith
The Gloria Patri
The Baptism of Leo Elizabeth ā€œBirdieā€ Koppang
(Daughter of Lee & Clare Koppang; sister of Vivi Koppang)
(Granddaughter of Faye & Doug Koppang and Joe & Starla Turner)
The Baptismal Hymn of Response: ā€œJesus Loves Meā€
The Pastoral Prayer with The Lordā€™s Prayer: Mrs. Grace Bailey
The Scripture Lesson: John 12:9-11
The Anthem: ā€œBrethren, We Have Met to Worshipā€ by R. Currie
The Sermon: Memorable Moments Series: ā€œLazarusā€™ Second Actā€ – Rev. Dr. Buddy Cooper, Jr.
The Hymn of Consecration: ā€œā€˜Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesusā€ No. 462
The Flame Goes Before Us into the World
The Benediction
The Postlude: ā€œDeo Gratiasā€ by F. Couperin