Expect Great Things [Worship]

This Week’s Service:

Prelude: ā€œCantabileā€ (Jeanne Martz, Flute | Wayne Martz, Harpsichord)
Welcome / Announcements / Prayer with Lordā€™s Prayer (Mary Lou Jarrell)
Hymn: ā€œGod of Grace and God of Gloryā€ (Hymn 577)
Apostlesā€™ Creed (Sally Key Bowden)
Special Music: ā€œGood Graceā€ (Anna Fugh, Guitar)
Reading of Scripture (John Fugh, III)
Children Sermon (Sally Key Bowden)
Anthem: ā€œI Will Wait for Youā€ (Wayne and Jeanne Martz)
Sermon: ā€œExpect Great Thingsā€ (Rev. John Fugh, Jr.)
Hymn: ā€œMy Faith Looks Up to Theeā€ (Hymn 452)
Benediction (Rev. John Fugh, Jr.)
Postlude: ā€œGlorificamusā€ (Wayne Matz, Organ | J. Dunstable)