Episode 7: The Discipline of Solitude

The Celebration of Discipline (SPUMCColumbus)
The Celebration of Discipline (SPUMCColumbus)
Episode 7: The Discipline of Solitude

Hosts: Tommy Bridges and John Fugh, Jr.

In This Episode: The disease of “Constant Partial Attention” (https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/01/opinion/01friedman.html). Accept the fact that God is in control. Until we accept this fact, we wind up exhausted. We live as though the opposite of Matthew 6:33 is true. We incorrectly believe that we must seek everything else thinking the Kingdom of God will be added afterwards. Solitude is not a place. It is something in our hearts. “Talking” is too often used to control others, ourselves, or things. If we’re silent, where’s the control?

Listen to our interview with Carlos Whittaker: https://stpaulcolumbus.com/podcast/episode-10-carlos-whittaker-shares-about-the-holy-spirit/