First Steps ā€“ August 14, 2017

E. Stanley Jones, an American missionary to IndiaĀ once said, ā€œThere are two groups of people in this world. There is a very big group of people in this world who are miserable. They live for themselves. Thereā€™s another group who have given their lives away to others. Their lives are filled with a wild joy.ā€

This week, find a way to live for another. Ā Notice the people around you. Ā Invite them into your life. Ā Speak words of love and grace to them. Ā In doing so, we can find joy in serving The One who makes us whole.

I invite you to read the Bible with me – This week’s reading:
Monday – John 16
Tuesday – John 17
Wednesday – John 18
Thursday – John 19
Friday – John 20

Please pray for:
* The St. Paul UMC Capital Building Campaign.
* The United Methodist Church.
* Our Nation and Leaders.
* Teachers and Students as they return to school.